20 August 2019



I keep my head down,
Walk in the other direction,
Put in earphones and turn up the music to the max.
But no matter where I go,
How loud I blast the noise,
I can always hear him.
He is always there.

Begging me to come to him,
Saying that he loves me more than anyone else.
That he would never hurt me.
I know.
But the temptation is too strong.
He whispers sweet promises in my ear.
I can’t resist anymore.
I need him.

With outstretched arms I run to him.
Like I always do.
As he knew I would.
Because I’m weak.
A smile stretches across his face as he wraps his arms around me.
In a chokehold.

And promises that he will never leave me for as long as I live.

-Louie Elliott

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