24 November 2019


Swirling thoughts and drifting lights
These things made up my Friday night
Distant bugs sing the same song
The same song as always
Always the same thoughts
The shine of the town comes to life the same way
Burning like they always do
This creaky fan stirs a storm
Round and round
Just like those thoughts
All about him

The dark silhouette of trees form monsters
But those monsters are always the same
Just like him
Those monsters stalk for dreams,
But fall asleep before me
When those monsters come close
The thoughts are too scary
Even for them
Him, him, him.
Can’t get over him
Those thoughts circle like vultures
They’re the same as the tide
Back and forth
In and out

The light of the screen dulls thoughts
The ache to speak
To be heard
To care for me
The thoughts that should be followed
Sink away too

Burning sun and heavy burdens
Not just my thoughts
All their thoughts
All their problems
Just to save me from my own
Saving others from the monsters
For mine are too strong
The thoughts about him
Echo down the path
As gone as he is now

Thoughts come less
Maybe they circle wider
The monsters fade
Not forever
Not the same
But he is fading too
Fading like his smile

The bugs still sing
The fan still spins
The lights still shine
But after all
Change can come slow

By Seb, no planning went into this and was very bad, so forgive me for that

21 November 2019


When does dusk turn to night? What do we consider the border? Is there one? Why do we leave things so blurry with holes to fill in? When does the mind go from sad to depressed and from stressed to anxious? What about when our words fade to noise? When does what we are saying loose meaning, simply noise to avoid silence? Who decides when your silence is awkward or companionable? Is it both? How do decide without breaking silence? Why does silence become deafening and when does it begin to crush you? Can you tell me the answers, can you tell me when others start asking the hard things? Can you tell me when we lost our curiosity, our dying race? We sought knowledge like a dragon seeks treasure and yet now we all settle for what we are given and what we are served. When did this become acceptable, to sit and idly decay staring at screens? When did we stop seeking answers, especially when finding them yourself breathes life into the world? When did black and white and grey become the colours of the world, towering in cities, driving past us and leeching our life? When did our spectrum become so dull and our minds so bleak? Colours are a drug that fill our minds, souls and bodies with energy, from the deepest reds of rage to the brightest yellows of joy. When did our dose of colour become the same grey pills everyday? Why has most of the world given up on the flair of colour... I guess one day we’ll know.

Happy place

The swishing, Swaying, Towering, Trees. The short leafy shrubs, In shades of greens. From flowers, Short lived, With colour...