12 July 2019

Where am I?

Where am I?
I’m not quite sure,
I’m in between,
Not really knowing where I am or, where I want to be.

Not yet an adult,
No longer a child,
At least that’s what I believe.

My childhood is gone,
Never to return,
Or am I still living in it.

Do we ever leave our childhood?
Or does it leave us?
Waving a friendly hand goodbye.

Everything is always changing,
Present becomes past.
The sun keeps on shining in the sky.

Yesterday is gone now,
It will never be back,
We can only keep memories of before.

But tomorrow holds hope,
Excitement and surprises,
Options and choices to explore.

Although I mourn for before,
Look forward to tomorrow,
I’m really living for today.

The past can’t be changed,
Tomorrow depends on this day,
It’s your choice, that’s all I will say.

Although I don’t know where I’m going,
I know where I’ve been,
And I know that I am right here.

I may not know where here is,
But I always know it’s where I am,
Only one thing is clear,

Am I Here I Am

-Louie Elliott

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